Best auto insurance companies in Arizona
Based on's rate analysis, Travelers is our top pick for the best auto insurance company in Arizona. It has earned 4.4 auto star rating, highest among the carriers surveyed. Apart from Travelers, USAA, State Farm, Geico and The General are the other top performers on the list of best car insurance companies.![]() |
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Cheapest car insurance companies in Arizona
Don't just go with the first insurer you come across. Comparison shopping is the key when it comes to finding the best deal on auto insurance. Get quotes from several different insurers and compare their rates. You may be surprised at how much difference there can be in rates from one company to another.We have gathered price quotes from all the major insurance providers in Arizona and put together a list of the cheapest car insurance companies. Based on a rate analysis by, GEICO is the cheapest auto insurance company in Arizona that offers insurance policies at $852 annually or $71 a month, on average.
CompanyAverage annual premiumAverage monthly premiumGEICO Casualty Co $852 $71
USAA Casualty $985 $82
Nationwide of Am $1,037 $86
Auto-Owners $1,147 $96
Travelers Property Cas $1,195 $100
Mercury Casualty Co $1,252 $104
Trumbull $1,253 $104
State Farm Mutl Automobile Ins $1,429 $119
Progressive Advanced $1,503 $125
CSAA General $1,685 $140
Allstate F&C $1,870 $156
Farmers of AZ $2,045 $170
Metropolitan Group P&C $2,637 $220
Cheapest car insurance cost in Arizona
Geico is the cheapest car insurance company in Arizona for teen drivers. Its average annual premium for teenagers is $2,409 or $201 a month.The difference in costs between the teen and adult group is significant. Drivers in the youngest age group pay more than the drivers in the oldest age group. There are several reasons for this difference. Teen drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents and to make claims on their insurance policies. They are also more likely to be driving illegally without insurance. All these reasons lead to higher insurance rates for teenage drivers.
CompanyAverage annual premiumGeico Cas Co $2,409
State Farm Mut Auto $4,413
Nationwide Of Amer $6,301
Allstate Fire & Cas $7,061
Progressive Advanced $7,167
Farmers Of AZ $11,339
Cheapest car insurance cost in Arizona for young
Geico is the cheapest car insurance company in Arizona for young adults, based on's rate analysis. Its average annual premium is $1,184 or $99 a month.The insurance rates for young drivers are more expensive than adult drivers because they have a short history of safe driving and lack of experience on the road.
If you’re a young driver and still studying and looking for ways to save on your car insurance, make sure you take advantage of the discounts for which you are eligible. And for those who aren't students anymore, they can avail themselves of other discounts offered by insurance companies to save on their insurance premium.
CompanyAverage annual premiumGeico Cas Co $1,184
Progressive Advanced $2,168
State Farm Mut Auto $2,616
Farmers Of AZ $3,211
Nationwide Of Amer $3,234
Allstate Fire & Cas $3,594
Cheapest car insurance cost in Arizona
Geico is the cheapest car insurance company in Arizona for adults. Its average annual premium is $970 or $81 a month.When most drivers reach their mid 20s, they enjoy cheaper car insurance rates than in their teen years and early 20s. Still, the cost of car insurance varies due to factors such as a person’s driving record and the make or model they drive.
Adult drivers can lower the cost of auto insurance by shopping around and availing themselves of any discounts available. Another way to save on your premium is by insuring more than one vehicle with the same company, or by bundling your home and auto insurance policies.
CompanyAverage annual premiumGeico Cas Co $970
Progressive Advanced $1,273
State Farm Mut Auto $1,581
Nationwide Of Amer $1,904
Farmers Of AZ $2,187
Allstate Fire & Cas $2,628
Cheapest car insurance cost in Arizona for seniors
Geico is the cheapest auto insurance company for senior drivers in Arizona. Its average annual premium is $1,021 or $85 a month.Insurance companies charge mature drivers much less than they do for teen drivers, but as drivers get into their senior years, a lot of those discounts dry up. You can save a lot of money by comparing car insurance rates. Senior drivers might be able to save hundreds of dollars on their insurance premium by shopping around.
CompanyAverage annual premiumGeico Cas Co $1,021
Progressive Advanced $1,212
State Farm Mut Auto $1,442
Nationwide Of Amer $1,806
Farmers Of AZ $2,057
Allstate Fire & Cas $2,819
Cheapest Car Insurance Companies in Arizona by Driver Profile
While location is a major factor in determining your car insurance rates, your driving profile also plays a role. Some drivers struggle with a bad driving record, but a clean record doesn't have to hurt your wallet. If you have been convicted of any traffic violations or have multiple accidents under your belt, then your auto insurance rates may skyrocket.Make sure you compare rates of insurance companies to find the best policy for you. No matter what your driving history looks like, you can still find affordable coverage in Arizona.
Cheapest auto insurance for drivers with poor credit: GeicoGeico is the cheapest car insurance company for drivers a with poor credit score. Its average annual premium is $1,417 or $118 a month. It's important to know that your credit score can affect your rates with insurers. One company might charge more because of your poor credits, but another could offer the same coverage for less money. The best way to get lower rates is by getting multiple quotes from different companies and seeing which one offers a better price
CompanyAverage annual premiumGeico $1,417
Nationwide $1,761
Travelers $2,219
Mercury $2,390
USAA $2,792
Progressive $3,072
Farmers Ins $3,182
Trumbull $3,543
Auto-Owners $3,755
Allstate $4,005
Metropolitan $6,251
State Farm $6,401
CSAA $12,710
Cheapest auto insurance for drivers with a speeding tickets: GeicoGeico is the cheapest car insurance company for drivers with a speeding ticket. Its average annual rate for Arizona drivers is $1,626, based on a rate analysis by
If you get a speeding ticket, your car insurance rates might go up. However, how much a speeding ticket affects your rates will depend on the type of violation, insurance company’s pricing strategy and regulations in your state.
The data below shows the companies that offer cheap insurance rates for drivers with a speeding ticket in Arizona.
CompanyAverage annual premiumGeico $1,626
State Farm $1,715
Nationwide $1,773
USAA $1,825
Auto-Owners $1,974
Travelers $1,986
Progressive $2,335
Trumbull $2,492
Mercury $2,517
Farmers Ins $2,581
CSAA $2,775
Allstate $3,626
Metropolitan $4,664
Cheapest auto insurance after at-fault accident: GeicoGeico is the cheapest car insurance company for drivers with an accident record. Its annual average cost for drivers with an at-fault bodily injury accident is $1,518. The only way to get cheap car insurance after an accident is by comparing rates. So, don't forget to compare insurers based on their average annual premium to get an affordable rate.
CompanyAverage annual premiumGeico $1,518
Auto-Owners $1,808
State Farm $1,848
Nationwide $1,923
Travelers $1,983
USAA $2,073
Trumbull $2,716
Farmers Ins $2,802
Progressive $2,808
Allstate $3,375
Mercury $3,520
CSAA $3,646
Metropolitan $6,600
Cheapest auto insurance after a DUI: State Farm
The cheapest car insurance company for drivers with a DUI is State Farm. Its average premium cost is $1,715 or $143 a month.When you get pulled over for driving under the influence, your insurance rates are going to skyrocket. This is because it signals that drivers with a DUI have a higher chance of getting into accidents. A DUI conviction can have a huge impact on your insurance rates, but shopping around may help you save money.
CompanyAverage annual premiumState Farm $1,715
Geico $1,877
Progressive $2,035
Travelers $2,073
Auto-Owners $2,305
Nationwide $2,393
Mercury $2,425
Farmers Ins $2,693
Trumbull $2,722
USAA $3,339
CSAA $3,716
Allstate $3,988
Metropolitan $7,504
Average cost of car insurance in Arizona
The average car insurance rate in Arizona is $1,453 a year for a full coverage policy with coverage level of 100/300/100 for a driver age 30, according to a rate analysis by That’s -$3 more than the national average $1,456. For the state minimum coverage, the average annual cost in Arizona is $ only information purpus.