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There are a lot of different car insurance companies in New Jersey, and it can be tough to choose the one that suits your needs. Plus, car insurance rates can vary a lot from company to company. So how do you know which company is the best and cheapest for you?
To get the best rates, always compare quotes from multiple insurers. Factors such as your age, driving history, vehicle, and location significantly affect how much you pay for auto insurance.
Best car insurance companies in New Jersey
CSAA Insurance Group is the best car insurance company in New Jersey with a 4.7 auto star rating, highest among the companies surveyed.Experts at Insurance.com have analyzed the companies and compiled data from across New Jersey to help you make an informed decision. The table below shows the auto star rating for the insurers we have rated as the best car insurance companies in New Jersey.
Cheapest car insurance companies in New Jersey
Progressive Garden State Ins is the cheapest car insurance company in New Jersey that offers full coverage car insurance at an average rate of $930 annually or $77 a month.CompanyAverage annual premiumAverage monthly premiumProgressive Garden State Ins $930 $77
Government Employees $1,123 $94
St Paul Protective $1,156 $96
Allstate NJ P&C $1,445 $120
Metropolitan P&C $1,628 $136
Mercury Ind Co of Am $1,811 $151
State Farm Ind Co $1,935 $161
Foremost Grand Rapids $2,602 $217
Cheapest car insurance New Jersey
Government Employees offers the cheapest car insurance for teens in New Jersey at about $2,441 a year. Teenagers pay higher rates for car insurance than experienced drivers. The cost of car insurance for an 18-year-old driver is much more than it is for drivers age 30.Find below average annual premium of cheapest auto insurance companies in New Jersey for teens.
CompanyAverage annual premiumGovernment Employees $2,441
New Jersey Manufacturers $3,176
State Farm Ind Co $4,899
Allstate NJ Prop & Cas $6,592
Progressive Garden State $7,090
Foremost Grand Rapids MI $10,300
Cheapest car insurance for young drivers in New Jersey
Government Employees is the cheapest car insurance company for young drivers in New Jersey. Its average annual premium is $1,778 annually or $148 a month. On average, insurance rates for most people go down as they get older. People usually see a substantial drop in rates when they turn 25.CompanyAverage annual premiumGovernment Employees $1,778
Progressive Garden State $2,114
New Jersey Manufacturers $2,173
State Farm Ind Co $3,402
Allstate NJ Prop & Cas $3,528
Foremost Grand Rapids MI $4,528
Cheapest car insurance for adults in New Jersey
Government Employees offers the cheapest car insurance for adults in New Jersey for a full coverage policy with an average annual premium of $1,210 annually. The age group 25-55 pay lower rates than teen and young drivers because insurance companies see people of these age groups as experienced. And they are less likely to be involved in accidents and file insurance claims thus leading to less expensive car insurance premiums.CompanyAverage annual premiumGovernment Employees $1,210
Progressive Garden State $1,289
New Jersey Manufacturers $1,535
State Farm Ind Co $2,008
Allstate NJ Prop & Cas $2,165
Foremost Grand Rapids MI $3,380
Cheapest car insurance for seniors in New Jersey
Government Employees is the cheapest car insurance company for seniors in New Jersey. Its average annual premium is $1,145 a year or about $95 a month. It's common for drivers to see their rates go up as they enter the senior years of their lives. However, shopping around can help them save hundreds of dollars annually.CompanyAverage annual premiumGovernment Employees $1,145
Progressive Garden State $1,159
New Jersey Manufacturers $1,294
State Farm Ind Co $1,634
Allstate NJ Prop & Cas $2,197
Foremost Grand Rapids MI $3,310
Cheapest car insurance rates in New Jersey by driving record
Location does matter, but it's not the only thing that impacts your car insurance rates. Your driving record also has an effect on how much you pay for coverage. A clean record doesn't necessarily mean lower premiums, but it may help persuade the insurer to give you a better deal than someone with a speeding ticket or accident record.The best way to find affordable coverage in New Jersey is by comparing the rates of different insurance companies. Even if you have a bad driving history, there are companies that offer cheap rates for drivers in New Jersey.
Cheapest auto insurance for drivers with poor credit: Progressive
Progressive is the cheapest auto insurance company for drivers with poor credit. It offers car insurance policies to New Jersey drivers at an average of $2,205 a year.Compare average annual premium of cheapest car insurance companies in New Jersey for drivers with poor credit.
CompanyAverage annual premiumProgressive $2,205
Government Employees $3,135
Allstate $3,672
Mercury $3,794
State Farm $4,144
St Paul Protective $4,389
Foremost Grand Rapids $4,607
Metropolitan $7,665
Cheapest auto insurance for drivers with a speeding ticket: Government Employees
Government Employees offers the cheapest car insurance for drivers with a speeding ticket at about $1,364 annually for a full coverage auto insurance policy. When you receive a speeding ticket, your car insurance rates will go up for 3-5 years. Each insurance company uses different ways to calculate rates. Make sure you compare price quotes from different insurance providers to get the best deal.CompanyAverage annual premiumGovernment Employees $1,364
Progressive $1,729
Allstate $2,411
St Paul Protective $2,835
State Farm $3,264
Mercury $3,306
Foremost Grand Rapids $4,523
Metropolitan $6,073
Cheapest auto insurance after an at-fault accident: Government Employees
Government Employees has the cheapest auto insurance rate for drivers after an at-fault accident with an average of $1,904 per year. An accident stays on your driving record for 3-5 years, but comparison shopping can help you get cheap car insurance rates.CompanyAverage annual premiumGovernment Employees $1,904
Progressive $2,231
State Farm $3,211
St Paul Protective $3,346
Mercury $4,232
Allstate $4,523
Metropolitan $6,583
Foremost Grand Rapids $7,994
Cheapest auto insurance after a DUI: Progressive
The cheapest auto insurance company for drivers after a DUI is Progressive. It offers auto insurance at about $1,581 a year or $132 a month.If you have a DUI conviction, you are considered a high-risk driver to insurers. Your rates will go up, but comparison shopping might help you get cheap auto insurance.
CompanyAverage annual premiumProgressive $1,581
Government Employees $2,737
Allstate $2,793
St Paul Protective $3,105
Mercury $3,665
Foremost Grand Rapids $4,694
Metropolitan $7,458
State Farm $7,607
Average cost of car insurance in New Jersey
The average annual cost of car insurance in New Jersey for a full coverage policy is $1,579. For full coverage, the recommended coverage limits for New Jersey drivers is 100/300/100, where $100,000 is for bodily injury coverage per person, $30,000 for bodily injury per accident and property damage coverage of $100,000.For the state minimum coverage, the average annual cost in New Jersey is $552.
source by insurance.com